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L7 DQ_U.S. History I

L7 DQ_U.S. History I

Q Thomas Jefferson often serves as the personification of a contradiction between the ideal of equality, on the one hand, and the reality of inequality, at the core of the American nation. After reading Chapter 7, and the excerpt from Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia in the Yawp reader (titled “Thomas Jefferson’s Racism”) answer the following questions: how did Jefferson’s election to the presidency promise a future of equality for all Americans? What do his comments in his Notes on the State of Virginia about Native Americans and black people suggest about who Jefferson considered to be “American”? How did Native Americans, black Americans, and women challenge prejudices against them by their actions during Jefferson’s presidency, and during the War of 1812?

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After reading Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia I realized that Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite. When he wrote the Declaration of Independence along with other writes, he wrote all men are created equal but he himself owned slaves. This book answers a lot about his thought regarding slavery and other minority groups as well. He wrote that blacks or the Native Americans can never be equal to Whites both in beauty and in mind and it both these people cannot live together in a free society. He had accepted that the blacks were inferior to whites in the endowments both of body and mind ("Thomas Jefferson’s Racism, 1788 | The American Yawp Reader", 1788).